+44 161 653 1004 info@lktranslations.co.uk

Ordering translation services: where to start

Do you understand exactly what services your translation company is providing or, indeed, what services you need? For example, do you need translation and review or translation and revision, and what do those services mean in practice? Is ISO certification a...

The Nuremberg Christkindlmarkt

Following hot on the heels of Louise and Andy’s trip to the SPS IPC Drives trade fair in Nuremberg in November, senior translator Catherine also headed to Bavaria – but this time to enjoy the region’s pre-Christmas festivities! From the first weekend in...

Ten years in translation

Today, our Lead Translator Siobhan Gorrie is celebrating a whole decade working for the company. In this post, she discusses how both she and the translation industry have grown and developed over this period. Over to Siobhan… The very first live job I was assigned...

Why is certification important?

When buying services, there are three things that people and businesses tend to look at in a potential supplier: price, speed and quality. Now, price and speed can be ascertained fairly quickly as a buyer will be given a rough price and estimated completion date when...


At LKT, we fully understand the importance of continuous professional development. Of course, we are constantly learning and improving our skills simply by translating and revising every day, but there is also much to be gained from a diverse CPD programme. We keep a...